Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Ah, the life!

Good news! We found some regular,weekly babysitters for Reilly! I have one that watches him on weekends, mostly sunday afternoons and another lady that will come mid week to help out and take him for a walk etc! I promised Brandon that I would not clean during those hours and that I "must take a nap"! Trust me, that's a hard promise when your OCD! Reilly has picked up a few new words lately and is becoming more social. A new kid is emerging and were so excited, and therapy hasn't even started yet! He loves to call out Zander's name and today even called him "baby zander" or "z" for short he says. lol! He now refers to his room as "house" and loves to show it to visitors who come over.

Even though Reilly is glued to my hip all day, it's things like this that make this journey a positive one instead of all struggles. Today my acid reflux was bothering me and I was hovered in the bathroom trying to get sick (sorry for the detail there lol), and little Reilly comes in, ok doesn't just "come" in, comes barging in, and walks over to me and "hugs" me. I took his climbing and clinging to my back as some sort of hug.lol. Or maybe he was just trying to squeeze the vomit out of me..who knows! lol.

He's had a bit of trouble sleeping in his room. A change of routine when Grandma came to visit and maybe the melatonin has made for a few challenging nights. Hopefully he will be fine in a few days. We have noticed it has started to regulate his sleep a bit more. He's tired most nights around the same time and doesnt' fight it as bad as he used to. I wish for the night when he slept a full night in his room!

Reilly has also figured out every single way to take off child locks on door handles. That little houdini. I've tired taping them and everything and he can take it off without pulling it apart now! Sheesh! What a clever little guy. It makes it a bit hard to be a few steps ahead of him when your so tired! He also took a chair to the door a few days ago and played with the deadbolt with his fingers. Only a matter of time before he figures that out too!

On a good note, he'll be starting 40 mins of Ball Therapy with his Physical Therapist on Wednesday. He will go for 4 weeks and the good part is that I don't have to be in the room!! I can enjoy some "quiet" time with Zander in the waiting room! Brandon and I agree that we want to be fully involved with his therapy and be there but we also want to be his parents. We don't want to have to be his therapist and his parents. We have been there every step of the way so far and have been to every single therapy and appointment. It's exhausting and overwhelming for us. We want to be able to step back and take a break sometimes from having to be there constantly to watch him. Therapy should be exciting and happy for him. It wouldn't be fair if we dragged our tired and overwhelmed selves to each appointment. We realized were only human and were not being selfish by allowing ourselves some time away from the therapy too! Who knows, maybe he'll be different in therapy if were not around 24/7.

I really do feel like the luckiest mom in the world despite all these obstacles. Reilly is such an amazing, affectionate little boy who melts my heart when he kisses me on the lips each night before bed! But I must go, Reilly is stirring on the couch and off to the bed to get some tiny 3 yr old feet in the face or a hand in the shirt. Ah, the life!

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