Whew. Finally I can take a breath for a few seconds and fill everyone in on the insanely busy schedule we have had and will have for the next while. We met with a place called Pivot Points which is a place where Reilly can get his therapy. We made the call, a few unanswered and frustrated days of waiting later, we got the call to have a meeting tomorrow to get the therapy process started!! They have a Behavioural Interventionist willing to work with Reilly asap! Their are several meetings, paperwork, assessments to go forward with a plan for Reilly's therapy. But it's a start and were thankful for the quick process for him. All the prayers of sheer exhaustion has paid off!
Reilly also met with a physical therapist today to discuss orthodics for his shoes. They ended up not working for Reilly so we have to looking into weights for his shoes so he can be more solid on his feet. We also set up some Ball therapy for him. He will go for an hour, once a week for 4 weeks to help with his balance and coordination. Which we discussed today is, for the most part, seperate from his Autism. They said that some autistic children have coordination issues but this seems to be a seperate issue. They have seen some leaps and bounds with his walking which was really exciting. He has made some progress walking up and down the stairs and pays more attention when he's walking. They did note he gets more clumsy when he goes to walk, run in another direction.
Also, through a friend, I am able to get a volunteer from an Autism Centre in Victoria to come meet with Reilly this week to see how she can help us with him! Any relief for us at this point is great.
We officially signed him up for Preschool and waiting for the call back to see if he got in and when he starts. He loves the classroom and I'm glad we found somewhere that he can be happy with!
Also, today at his physical therapy appointment we got a lycra shirt made for us, which helps compress him, it fits tight on him, and it helps calm him. They did discuss leaving the harness we have on him when we go out in public so we dont' have to grab him by the arms. He has hyper extensive joints so he acts very jello-y like and we dont want to hurt his muscles. We are able to grab him by the back of the harness for better safety for him.
Reilly also did something quite amusing this week. He thought it would be funny to throw his expensive shoes out the window on the highway. ha ha. We didn't realize until we got home that they were gone, but it was too late. He tried again the next day with a different pair, his hat and his little brother's clothes. He was able to do this by getting out of the carseat straps and reaching his hand out the window. Mind you, the window wasnt' down too much, but apparently enough for him! Note to self, never roll the window down for Reilly anymore! ha ha.
On a downside, we both are extremely worn out. It's starting to show physically on us and our health is starting to take a downturn with our severe exhaustion. I noticed I am losing a bit of weight, not eating regularly,losing hair, headaches, muscle pain, back pain etc..I am trying to get my doctor to do something about it so I don't end up having a mental breakdown, which is coming soon if things don't change. We are both trying so hard to make his life better and stretching beyond our means that we have forgotten to take care of ourselves and eachother. We pray that good things continue to come and that God strengthens us to stay connected as a couple so we can get through this. I cannot express how hard this journey is. Like any journey it comes with good and bad. We both agree that Reilly has come a long way this past year but it is still a process we are working our way through. All we can do is our best and hope that things can only go up from here.
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